Pensions Action Group


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Page Contents

Recent documents

Key PAG documents

PAG documents for members

  • PAG guide to overpayments (revised)
    If you have received a demand from the FAS for repayment of 'overpayments' in respect of your residual pension, this guide will give you the information to challenge them and to avoid paying back more than is fair. (22nd July 2015)
  • Information template for FAS queries (.xls)
    (Excel spreadsheet) If you need to approach the FAS (or any other adviser) with a question or to challenge a ruling, you will need to have all the relevant information to hand. This form will prompt you for the main information - you can fill it in and print it out so that you are fully prepared. (22nd July 2015)

Key external documents

  • Parliamentary Ombudsman report on failed pension schemes (Archive copy, 2006)
    The Parliamentary Ombudsman's report 'Trusting in the pensions promise: government bodies and the security of final salary occupational pensions' was a key stage in the fight for enhanced compensation from the Government. The Pensions Minister ignored its main recommendations and had to be dragged through the High Court and the Appeal Court by PAG members.
  • The Pensions Commission Reports
    The Pensions Commission was an independent body set up by the Government under the chairmanship of Adair Turner to review the regime for UK private pensions and long term savings. The reports formed the basis for later changes to the pension system.
    • 1st Report of the Pensions Commission (2004)
      This first report presents the Commission’s analysis of and conclusions on the adequacy of pension provision and saving in the UK. It sets out the challenge society faces and the unavoidable choices which need to be made.
    • 2nd Report of the Pensions Commission (2005)
      The Second Report of the Pensions Commission sets out their conclusions on the likely evolution of the UK pension system if policy were to be unchanged, and their recommendations for a new policy direction.
    • Final Report of the Pensions Commission (2006) THe final (third) report contained the Commission's comments on specific issues which had arisen in the debate on pension reform since publication of the second report.

Company-specific campaigns

  • Halcrow members - call to arms
    Join the Halcrow Pensioners Association, which was formed soon after the takeover to fight for our rights. The HPA has now 500 members, but the HPS Trustees have repeatedly refused to notify you of our existence. (2nd August 2016)
  • AEA Technology call to arms
    Memmbers of the AEA Technology Pension Fund have a specific grievance with the Government, who persuaded them to give up their public sector pension - this paper gives the background and a rallying point. (18th July 2013)

Government consultations

The basic shape of the FAS and PPF was laid out in the House of Commons in December 2007. The process of turning that into a legal framework took several years, with a series of eight public consultations along the way to inform the detailed provisions. The following list links to each consultation document, to PAG's views (if submitted) and to the government's response to the comments submitted.
  1. Miscellaneous provisions, including increasing payments from 80% to 90% and from Normal Retirement Age rather than age 65.
  2. Miscellaneous amendments including: early payment owing to ill health; extending to schemes with solvent employer; speeding up initial payments; allowing PPF a role in managing FAS; allow FAS to direct trustees to minimise reduction in scheme assets; and remove option to apply for State Additional Pension from FAS members.
  3. Revision of annuity factors.
  4. Calculation of assistance, changes to the FAS administration, taking in of the remaining assets in FAS-qualifying schemes.
  5. Taking in of assets from relevant FAS qualifying schemes and ensuring that members of such schemes do not lose out as a result.
  6. Proposed revision to the FAS synthetic buy-out basis.
  7. Proposed change from RPI to CPI as the basis for increasing payments and the cap.
  8. Consolidation of previous changes to the FAS regulations, changes to the criteria whereby schemes qualify for FAS, options for schemes with a money-purchase underpin.

Court cases

Robbins et al. - Loss of pensions at ASW

Bradley et al. - Judicial review of Minister's rejection of Parliamentary Ombudsman's recommendations

Hope et al. - Purchase of annuities by an under-funded scheme (Ilford)

Hogan et al. - Loss of pensions at Waterford Crystal

Hampshire - Rights of early retirees

Bauer - Level of compensation required

Judicial review of Hampshire implementation

Appeal of Judicial review of Hampshire

Primary legislation

Parliamentary debates

  • 17 December 2007
    Ministerial announcement of changes which brought the FAS and PPF into their current form.

Older documents

Documents prior to 2007 may be found in our document archive.

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